little red riding the hood

May 23, 2017

This has got to be my favorite hoodie ever. As soon as I saw it on the racks of StyleNanda's flagship hotel-themed store in Seoul, I knew I had to have it. And I did.

I wore it the very next day. That's how excited I was to ramp around in it. If Little Red Riding Hood were born in this day and age where street style is king, I bet you this is how her famous red hood would look. But she isn't, so let me claim that name for myself and twist it a little bit to suit me—I'll be Little Red Riding from the Hood. Haha, get it?

Anyhow, I’m still in zombie mode at work as we speak, so let me make this short and sweet. I don't think my brain has enough energy to even think, let alone come up with things to write about. I promise I will write more as soon as I have this event done and dusted.

In the meantime, I wish you guys a fantastic week (at least better than mine).


Shopping Guide


Modern Seoul