Beach Bum.

April 25, 2019

I'm not usually keen on having my photos taken in a swimsuit or bikini, not that I don't like wearing them on vacation or anything. I do have a lot of insecurities about my body, which may not seem very obvious to you all, but within, they scream at me. Very loudly. I'm on a very long journey of accepting all my flaws, so I try to stay healthy as much as possible and eat clean. But I'm human, and food is life, so sporadically, that is how I would describe my consistency in sticking to it. If that even makes sense.

Anyhow, I was feeling great when we were in Bali. Perhaps it was because, in the weeks leading to our trip, I was eating as healthy as I could. I was tracking my macros and mostly cooking my own meals. Sometimes, even if what I do doesn't show results physically, it does affect my mental health in a good way. That feeling of satisfaction, knowing that I'm doing something right for my body, is enough to give me confidence and make me think less about my insecurities. 

So here we are, me on the beach, purposefully posing in front of the camera in a swimsuit without feeling the need to hide anything. Body shame all you want, if you will. I'm feeling great, so I ain't hearing any of it =)

Looking at these photos makes me miss the sun, sea, and sand. And nature. I can't wait to return to Bali or find another tropical paradise where I can frolic and bask underneath the glorious sun. But I think that will take another few months because starting this weekend, I'll be on a series of short and long trips for work until the end of May. It's good. But it's also no good. But I will make the most out of it as I go because why complain when it's free?

I want to be able to go back home for a while after all this, so I'm praying that I'll be spared sometime in the summer to go back to dear old tiny Macau for some home time. Let's aim for that, shall we?

Talk to you all again soon!


Bali in Film


The Fields